Use of Have, Has, Had, Have been, Has been and Had been
नमस्कार दोस्तों
मैं हूँ ठाकोर जोशी, इंग्लीश ट्रेनर!
आज हम बात करेंगे Have,
Has, Had, Have been, Has been and Had been के बारे मे !
Have जब कुछ भी हुमारे
पास मोजूद होता है = मेरे पास कार है = I have a car...
(Can be used with We, You and They also)
Had जब कुछ भी हमारे
पास मोजूद था = मेरे पास कार थी = I had a car. ...
(Can be used with We, You, They, He, and She or anybody else also)
Will or shall have = जब कुछ हमारे पास भविष्या मे होगा = मेरे पास कार होगी = I will have a
car.... (Can be used with We, You, They, He, and She or anybody else also)
प्रेज़ेंट टेन्स
मे third
person के साथ has ईस्तमाल होगा. E.g. डेविड के पास कार है = David has a car and रजनी के पास कार है = Rajni has a car
उपर वाले सेंटेन्स
मे डेविड ओर रजनी के स्थान पे क्रामसः He and She भी लगाया जा सकता है !
Most Important Has shall never be used with I, We, You and
Car is a physical product having mass volume and weight.
Please be understood that have, has and had can be used for non physical things
also. Like
कार एक ऐसी चीज़
है की जो भौतिक चीज़ है ! परंतु have, has and had दूसरे कई मानो मे ईस्तमाल होता है जैसे की: -
मुझे बुखार है = I have fever ... (Can
be used with We, You and They also)
मुझे बुखार था = I had fever ... (Can
be used with We, You and They also)
मुझे जानकारी है = I have information
... (Can be used with We, You and They also)
उसे हिम्मत है = He has a courage
.... (Only third person usage in present tense)
उसे जानकारी नहीं
थी = He
had no information ... (Can be used with I, We, You, He, She and They also)
उपरोक्त सेंटेंस
मे हमने प्रेज़ेंट ओर पास्ट ओर फ्यूचर टेन्स देखे अब हम इन्ही के कॅंटिन्यूवसटेन्स
देखते हैं: -
मैं एक साल से
यहाँ रह रहा हू ! = I have been living here for one year..
(Can be used with We, You and They also)
वो सुबह से आपका
इंतजार कर रही है! = She has been waiting for you since morning. ... (Only third person usage
in present tense)
ह्म कई सालो से
ये काम करते आए हैं = We have been doing this kind of job for many years... (Can be used with
I, you and they, also)
सिर्फ़ थर्ड
पर्सन एकवचन के साथ यानी की He ओर She के साथ have की जगह has लगेगा !!! : -
He has been playing music = वो संगीत बजाता रहा है |
She has been dancing = वो नृत्य करती रही है |
आज के लिए बस
इतना काफ़ी है ! फिर मिलेंगे ओर लेसन क साथ !
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