Monday, December 19, 2016

Essay "Work Life Balance"

To discover and strike a balance between work and personal life is an art. In spite of the unending quest for 'Work-Life Balance' it has been churning in our mind as to what does it exactly mean?

In the olden days business and personal life were distinct. Now the scenario has changed due to globalization and cut throat competition. People devote very high quantum of their time in business and bare minimum or negligible time for personal life. This encroachment of work in personal life and vice versa is a highly alarming unhealthy situation.

Work – Life Balance is an art a skill that one has to learn and practice. Work Life Balance conceptually involves Planning, Prioritization and Execution on business part and on Life Part it is Health, Relaxation, Leisure, Pleasure, Spiritual development and devoting necessary time for family, children and dependent old parents.

Practically it is impossible to devote equal number of hours on each of the above dimensions. However scheduling and executing in a way that customers as well as family members are satisfied is a real balance. One has to be most disciplined in this. One must remember that needs change from time to time hence one must be flexible enough to wisely adjust his or her schedule and execute.

An unmarried fresh Graduate, Engineer, Doctor, Architect and MBA has the priority of his or her career and business or job for earning. No sooner he gets married and has children, the need changes and taking care of his or her spouse and kids is an added responsibility. Upon children’s growing up their schooling, college and professional education gets added into the responsibility. This need changing scenario is an ongoing process. One has to fulfil his or her responsibility toward customers and family members in such a balanced way  that none is dissatisfied.

At the same time the Earning member / Businessman / Professional also increases in the age and his or her needs change too. One must schedule in a way that his or her needs of Relaxing, Entertainment, Amusement, Celebrations, Joy of living, Pride,  and Love are fulfilled failing which one  cannot perform in profession to his or her optimum efficiency or  effectiveness. While we are striking for a work life balance, we do not merely balance our profession and family, we are also balancing our mental and status quo and thereby balancing our emotional intelligence, which is the worldly ability to manage ourselves and to handle others. This benefits the company in the long-run.

On the other hand corporate world today has become exceedingly demanding. Because of tough competition and 24/7 modality of working, professionals come across many health and social problems like increasing number of divorces, infertility due high stress levels, advent of nuclear families and many more. Many entrepreneurs and big business people in the rat race of success, name and fame have to lead a one way life and they are unhappy because they totally lose the “Life Balance”.  To cope the employees are given the freedom to have their own ways of doing the work, even to an extent of freedom to work from home or any other location where employee is on tour.  They are given the assignments with deadlines and they can have their own schedule as far as they are meeting the deadlines.

Similarly, women work force now constitutes a significant percentage of the total work force in any organization today. Women executives have to deal with- running a home, doing daily chores like cooking/cleaning, raising family and handle the tight deadlines at home and work. The society over the years has recognized women's need to legal and financial independence. But the transition to motherhood still continues to have practical and emotional consequences. It also affects their professional stature when they return to work. Some organizations have gone to the extent of involving the families of the employees by introducing maternity leaves / paternity leaves and various holiday packages and insurance schemes. Organizations now focus on grooming their employees who are now not considered merely a work force but regarded as the 'Human Capital' of the organization “The Most Important and Valuable Asset”.
In nutshell, corporate have realized the importance of the employee-work-life balance and its importance in the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees. They help facilitate work-life balance for their employees through suitable work-life training programs. In offices also, they provide friendly work atmosphere and necessary refreshments.
Do's and Don’ts in “Work – Lifestyle Balance”
1.     Plan your agenda: Begin your day taking care of the small things you have to do at home. Little planning is essential. If you take care of small things you got to for home, you won’t be stressed while at work. Strike a work-life balance by evaluating your work-home relationships like listing out the amount of time you are spending at work and home.
2.     Organize: Everything in your business should be set up using logical systems so anyone needing anything can find it when they need it.
3.       Prioritize: The secret to booking your time effectively boils down to knowing what's important and what can wait. Ask questions that help you determine the level of urgency. Use the Task Matrix
4.     Don't overbook:  Don't try to plan on doing too many things. Things rarely go according to a prearranged agenda.
5.     Be Productive: Concentrate on work when you are at work. Don’t worry about home life. Try to be most productive.
6.     Learn to say no: The milestone to effective time management is to know that you don't have to agree to everything with everyone. No one can sail in two boats at the same time. Use your priority criteria to identify requests that simply aren't worth your time. Politely say “No”.
7.     Everything can’t be perfect:  Do what you can and enjoy whatever time you spend more pleasantly or productively.
8.     Focus on Home Life: While you are enjoying your home life, avoid intruding into work life by checking emergency e-mails or answering work- related phone calls. The best way to focus on home life only.

Remember that striking a work-life balance is a continuous process, and not one time job. Work and home life should be balanced. The absence of which may give rise to soaring stress levels.
In nutshell, corporate have also realized the importance of the employee-work-life balance and its importance in the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees. They help facilitate work-life balance for their employees through suitable work-life training programs. In offices also, they provide friendly work atmosphere and necessary refreshments.

(Words 1052)

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Essay Man may delay, but time will not

It is an old and famous saying that, “Time and tide wait for none”. So, it is very important to optimally utilise the time and avoid procrastinating.  

In universities, time management skills are taught because our life is essentially a race against time. The time is one of the most precious resources available to us. And we have many projects on hand to complete within short time. Hence prioritization of work is important in order to avoid waste of time. 

Procrastination is common and wide spread in schools and colleges. Students neglect their studies during their school term and wait till the last minute to prepare for examinations. They spend great deal of time in playing games, chatting, outing, watching movies and unnecessary shopping thereby they lose track of time and land panicking in the examination hall in the last moment and don’t fare well. 

 Toppers usually are consistent in their studies. They manage the right balance between studies and play. They are well prepared for the exams and perform well. They never panic at the last moment.

Time is just like a river; it keeps flowing forward and never turns back. You may delay your work and wait for the last minute to complete your tasks at hand, but time will continue to move forward.  

Farmers keep a close watch of time and follow strict schedules for ploughing, planting and harvesting. Their schedules are according to the weather. If they delay their planting or harvesting time it will result into a disaster for them and the losses  so sustained are irreparable. 

Everyone must value the time and not misuse it. As per a famous and old saying, “To realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed an examination. To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one minute, ask a person who just missed his train.

In nutshell, to realize the value of one second, ask someone who just escaped from an accident. Time is the most precious resource.  Even one second of our life is valuable. So, don’t waste it. Respect the time and the time respects you. 

(Words – 367)

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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Essay No one is wise by birth. Wisdom comes from one’s own efforts

At the birth the mind of an infant is the clean slate. As the time goes by, step by step the subject learns new things and gains knowledge. With the help of his or her insight one learns to perceive and make sense of the world around him or her and perform with the individual’s knowledge. Clearly, wisdom is not guaranteed by birth. Conscious effort from the individual is required. Greater the effort greater is the gain of knowledge to an individual.
Wisdom may be described in various different ways like (a) the knowledge gained by having many experiences in life, (b) knowledge of what is proper or reasonable (c) the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience (d) understanding and common sense. Whatever way wisdom is defined, fundamental to the wisdom is that it takes time and comes with experience, development of the ability to think, analyse, judge and act.

Wisdom is not something that one is born with but one acquires it over time. A person to gain wisdom has to make efforts to understand people, things and events and then apply his or her perception, judgment and action to the projects. For an example: Chanakya, Siddhartha, Aristotle and Plato are very renowned for acquiring wisdom. Though they weren't born wise, but they gained wisdom over time and with a lot of their effort.

Years in the life bring experience. Knowledge with experience is wisdom. Nonetheless life is short to experience everything by self hence one has to depend on the experience of others. However, an individual can, certainly, benefit from the wisdom of ages passed on in the form of legends, stories, books etc to learn from them. In such a scenario too, the wisdom of ages can only act as a guiding light. It is up to the individual to apply and use the wisdom to suit to his/her position and gain from it.

Wisdom is not the by-product of age alone. One may be old enough and still unwise. Oscar Wilde said, " With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.”  Wisdom requires effort and hard work with patience.

In nutshell, wisdom cannot be taught or transferred from one to other.  The university buildings impart knowledge and not wisdom. Only when the person takes pains to make efforts with hard work, he or she gains wisdom and can be recognized as a wise person.

(Words- 413)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Saturday, September 3, 2016

YouTube क्या और कैसे? What and How is YouTube? Hindi Explanation.

  • ·         प्रश्न - सर ये YouTube  क्या है ?
  • ·         उत्तर - YouTube गूगल ही का एक उपक्रम है| ये एक ऐसा प्लेटफार्म है की जिसमे आप अपने वीडियोस अपलोड कर के प्रकाशित कर सकते हैं|
  • ·         प्रश्न - किसप्रकार के वीडियोस होने चाहिए सर?
  • ·         उत्तर - वीडियोस संगीत, नृत्य, कला, हंसी-मजाक, पढाई लिखाई या अन्य कई प्रकार के हो सकते हैं जो कि दर्शकों को रुचिकर लगे और दर्शक उन्हें बार बार देखने को प्रेरित एवं उत्साहित रहें|
  • ·         प्रश्न - सर इन वीडियोस को YouTube पर प्रकाशित करने से हमे क्या लाभ होते हैं?
  • ·         उत्तर - प्रथम तो आप का नाम इंटरनेट पर प्रकाशित होने से आपको प्रसिद्धि मिलती है|
  • ·         दूसरे जब आप के वीडियोस कि संख्या बढ़ जाती है तब आप को उसपर पैसा कमाने का ऑप्शन मिलता है इस ऑप्शन का नाम है monetize जब आप इस ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करते हैं तब आपके वीडियोस पर YouTube वाले advertisement डालने लगते हैं| और जैसे जैसे आप  के  दर्शकगण / Subscribers बढ़ते जाते हैं आपके वीडियोस और उनपे लगे advertisements अधिक से अधिक  देखे जाते हैं और क्लिक किये जाते हैं आप के खाते में पैसा बनता जाता है और बढ़ता जाता है जो कि गूगल आपको भेजता है|
  • ·         प्रश्न - सर ये तो आपने बहुत ही अच्छी बात बताई | मनोरंजन का मनोरंजन और कमाई की कमाई भी | पर ये शुरू कैसे किया जाए?
  • ·         उत्तर - पहले तो आप gmail  में अपना id बनाये| ये id Gmail, YouTube, and G+ के लिए मान्य है| ब्लॉगर.कॉम में आप अपना हिंदी या इंग्लिश का ब्लॉग भी बना सकते है और आपके लिखित रचनाएं डाल सकते  हैं | साथ साथ जो वीडियो आपने YouTube पर डाले हैं उन्हें ब्लॉगर.कॉम पर शेयर करसकते हैं | वैसे जब आप YouTube पर वीडियो डालते है उसे समय वो वीडियो G+ and पर भी प्रकाशित करदिया जाता है| इसके अलावा आप फेसबुक पर भी अपना वीडियो शेयर कर सकते हैं |
  • ·         ब्लॉगर.कॉम पर ही आप को अपना बैंक डिटेल्स देना होता है जिससे कि गूगल आपको वायर ट्रांसफर से पैसा भेज सके|
  • ·         हमारी चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब जरूर करे तथा हमारे इन ब्लोग्स पर जाए और पढ़े: -

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Manju my wife walks hurriedly to board in cab after knee replacement by Welcare Hospital Vadodara

Manju my wife, walks hurriedly to board in the cab for Pilgrimage. Thanks to Welcare Vadodara for her knee replacements that make her pain free and confident.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Direct and Indirect Speech

Hi Friends!  I am Thakor Joshi, English Trainer, wishing you a very good morning.  Today we will see how to convert Direct speech into Indirect Speech.
Direct Speech is the exact narration of a Reported Statement into “Inverted Commas”.
E.g. Rani said “I write an essay”. Here the exact speech of Rani has been narrated into inverted commas.
In the Indirect Speech, the statement of Rani has been narrated with the change in person and the tense.
E.g. Rani said that she wrote an essay.
We will see some statements converted into indirect speech from direct speech that shall clarify the Direct – Indirect Speech.
Direct and Indirect Speech Sample Sentences
1.       Ram says “I eat banana”. = राम कहता है 'मैं केला खाता हूँ"|
2.       Ram said that he ate banana. = राम ने कहा कि उसने केला खाया|
3.       Rani said “I write an essay”. = रानी ने कहा "मैं निबंध लिखती हूँ"|
4.       Rani said that she wrote an essay. = रानी ने कहा कि उसने निबंध लिखा|
5.       Rahul said “I bought a tablet yesterday”. = राहुल ने कहा ":मैंने कल एक टेबलेट खरीदा"|
6.       Rahul said that he had bought a tablet a day before. = राहुल ने कहा कि उसने एक दिन पहले एक टेबलेट ख़रीदा था|
7.       Sam said “I am going to Church”. = सैम ने कहा "मैं चर्च जा रहा हूँ"|
8.       Sam said that he was going to Church. = सैम ने कहा कि वो चर्च जा रहा था|
9.       Umang said “I was playing Cricket”. = उमंग बोला "मैं क्रिकेट खेल रहा था"|
10.    Umang said that he had been playing cricket. = उमंग ने कहा कि वो  क्रिकेट खेल रहा था|
11.    Shruti said “I have done my homework”. = श्रुति ने कहा कि "मैंने मेरा होमवर्क कर लिया है"|
12.    Shruti said that she had done her homework. = श्रुति ने कहा कि उसने अपना होमवर्क कर लिया है|
13.    Manju said “I have been watching TV”. =  मंजू ने कहा "मैं टीवी देख रही हूँ"|
14.    Manju said that she had been watching TV. = मंजू ने कहा  कि वो टीवी देखती रही थी|
15.    Joshi said “I will go to Ahmedabad tomorrow”. = जोशी बोला "मैं कल अमदावाद जाऊंगा"|
16.    Joshi said that he would go to Ahmadabad the following day. = जोशी ने कहा कि वो दूसरे दिन अमदावाद जाएगा|
17.    Payal said “I must go now”. = पायल ने कहा "मुझे अब जाना चाहिए"|
18.    Payal said that she had to (or must) go then. = पायल ने कहा कि उसे तब जाना चाहिए था|
19.     “I will work hard to get first class” said Sonu. = सोनू ने कहा "मैं फर्स्ट क्लास लाने के लिए कठिन परिश्रम करुँगी'|
20.    Sonu said that she would work hard to get first class. = सोनू ने कहा कि वो फर्स्ट क्लास लाने के लिए कठोर परिश्रम करेगी|
21.    “You can pass the exam” said the professor. = "तुम परीक्षा पास कर सकते हो" प्रोफेसर ने कहा|
22.    The professor said that I could pass the exam. = प्रोफेसर ने कहा कि मैं परीक्षा पास  कर सकता था|
23.    He said “I am glad to be here this evening”. = उसने कहा "मैं प्रस्सन हूँ कि इस शाम मैं यहां हूँ|
24.    He said that he was glad to be there that evening. = उसने कहा कि वो उस शाम यहां था इसलिए प्रस्सन था|
25.    Kiran said “I am going to library now”. = किरण ने कहा "अब मैं लाइब्रेरी जा रही हूँ"|
26.    Kiran said that she was going to library then. = किरण ने कहा कि तब वो लाइब्रेरी जा रही थी|
27.    “Keep quiet in the class” said the teacher to students. = "क्लास में शांत रहो" प्रोफेसर ने विद्यार्थियों को कहा|
28.    Students were advised to keep quiet in the class by the teacher. = प्रोफेसर द्वारा विद्यार्थियों को क्लास में शांत रहने को कहा गया था|
29.    “Bring me calculator” said Roshni to Surekha. = "मुझे कैलकुलेटर दो" रौशनी ने सुरेखा से कहा|
30.    Roshni asked Surekha to get her the calculator. = रौशनी ने सुरेखा को कैलकुलेटर लाने को कहा था|
31.    Sam asked Sally “Do you like Pizza”? = सैम ने सैली से कहा "क्या तुम पिज़्ज़ा पसंद करती हो?"|
32.    Sally was asked by Sam if she liked Pizza. = सैम ने सैली से पुछा कि क्या वो पिज़्ज़ा पसंद करती थी?"|
We conclude here only. Thank you for watching. See you soon again with more videos. Do subscribe on my channel. Thank you.
आज के लिए बस इतना ही| फिर मिलेंगे दूसरे वीडियोस के साथ| तबतक के लिए अलविदा |
चैनल पे सब्सक्राइब जरूर करें| धन्यवाद |
Thank you for watching. Bye for now. See you soon again with newer videos.

Please Do Subscribe On My Channel.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Live Stress Free Life...

~A~ Always take time for yourself, at least 30 minutes per day.
~B~ Be aware of your own stress meter: Know when to step back and cool down.
~C~ Concentrate on controlling your own situation, without controlling everybody else.
~D~ Daily exercise will burn off the stress chemicals.
~E~ Eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies, bread and water, gives your body the best for it to perform at its best.
~F~ Forgive others, don't hold grudges and be tolerant -- not everyone is as capable as you..
~G~ Gain perspective on things, how important is the issue?
~H~ Hugs, kisses and laughter: Have fun and don't be afraid to share your feelings with others.
~I~ Identify stressors and plan to deal with them better next time..
~J~ Judge your own performance realistically; don't set goals out of your own reach.
~K~ Keep a positive attitude, your outlook will influence outcomes and the way others treat you.
L~~ Limit alcohol, drugs and other stimulants, they affect your perception and behavior...
~M~ Manage money well, seek advice and save at least 10 per cent of what you earn.
~N~ No is a word you need to learn to use without feeling guilty.
~O~ Outdoor activities by you, or with friends and family, can be a great way to relax....
~P~ Play your favorite music rather than watching television.
~Q~ Quit smoking: It is stressing your body daily, not to mention killing you too.
~R~ Relationships: Nurture and enjoy them, learn to listen more and talk less.....
~S~ Sleep well, with a firm mattress and a supportive pillow; don't overheat yourself and allow plenty of ventilation.
~T~ Treat yourself once a week with a massage, dinner out, the movies: Moderation is the key.
~U~ Understand things from the other person's point of view......
~V~ Verify information from the source before exploding.
~W~ Worry less; it really does not get things completed better or quicker.
~X~ Xpress: Make a regular retreat to your favorite space, make holidays part of your yearly plan and budget.......
~Y~ Yearly goal setting: Plan what you want to achieve based on your priorities in your career, relationships, etc.
~Z~ Zest for life: Each day is a gift, smile and be thankful that you are a part of the bigger picture........


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Spoken English Use of Would and Could Auxillary Verbs

Use of Could and Would
Good morning friends. I am T D Joshi English Trainer. Today we will talk about the words could and would. These are called the Auxiliary Verbs.
Could and would are the very polite words. These words are used in the request, advice and suggestion forms. Although these are the past tense verbs, those can be used in any tense. For making the statements negative, simply add not after the word could.
दोस्तों मैं आपका दोस्त, हमसफ़र और इंग्लिश ट्रेनर ठाकोर जोशी आप को मेरा  नमस्कार और आदाब| आज हम बात करेंगे Could and Would the Auxiliary Verbs. वैसे तो ये पास्ट टेंस के वर्ब्स हैं किन्तु ये हर टेन्स में इस्तेमाल किये जाते हैं| ये शब्द बहुत ही नम्रता वाले हैं और इनका उपयोग आज्ञा लेनेमें तथा सुझाव लेने देने में किया जाता है| आईये देखते हैं कैसे|
1.    Could I borrow your pen? = क्या मैं आपकी पेन ले सकता हूँ?           
2.    ACould I have your cell number? = क्या मैं आप का मोबाइल नंबर जान सकता हूँ?
3.    Could I help you? = क्या मैं आपकी मदद कर सकता हूँ?
4.    Could I have your address card? = क्या आप मजुझे अपना एड्रेस कार्ड देंगे?
5.    Could I dine with you? = क्या मैं आप के साथ डिनर ले सकता हूँ?
6.    Could I dance with you? = क्या मैं आपके साथ डांस कर सकता हूँ?
7.    I could have appeared in the exam. = मैं परीक्षा दे सकता था|
8.    We could have attended the function. = हम फंक्शन अटेंड कर सकते थे|
9.    He could have attended the emergency. = वो इमरजेंसी अटेंड कर सकता था|
10.  She could have fared well in the interview. = वो इंटरव्यू में अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर सकती थी|
11.  They could have completed the project. = वे प्रोजेक्ट पूरा कर सकते थे|
12.  Manju could be the one who baked this cake. = ंजू ही हो सकती है जिसने ये केक बनाया है|
13.  Would you like to have tea? = क्या आप चाय पीना पसंद करेंगे?
14.  Would you like to read my blog? = क्या आप मेरा ब्लॉग पढ़ना पसंद करेंगे?
15.  Would you like to join me over a dinner? = क्या आप मेरे साथ डिनर लेना पसंद करेंगे?
16.  I would be very glad to have your company. = आप का साथ होने से मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगेगा
17.  We would be very pleased to have you amid us. = आपका हम सब के बीच होना हमें बहुत अच्छा लगेगा|
18.  She would be very glad to help you. = आपकी मदद करके उसे ख़ुशी होगी|
19.  Seems it would rain. = लगता है बारिश होगी|
20.  Doctor told Xavier not to drink but he would never listen. = डॉक्टर ने ज़ेवियर को शराब पीने को मना किया पर वो सुनता ही नहीं|
21.  He thought he would better take a flight than a bus. = उसने सोचा बस के बजाय वो फ्लाइट से जाएगा|
22.  You better stay in a motel as the hotels would be too expensive. = आप मोटेल में रुकें क्यूंकि होटल काफी मेहेंगी होंगी|
23.  They would rather have Pizza than Burger. = वे बर्गर के स्थान पर पिज़्ज़ा खाना पसंद करेंगे|
आज के लिए बस इतना ही| फिर मिलेंगे दूसरे वीडियोस के साथ| तबतक के लिए अलविदा |
चैनल पे सब्सक्राइब जरूर करें| धन्यवाद |
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