Friday, January 14, 2011

“Qualities of Good Parents”

What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.

Some qualities of good parents are elaborated in this essay. Good parents possess “Care for self”: In this parent manage personal stress and family resources. Besides they offer support to other parents. Furthermore they ask for and accept support from others when needed and they recognize their own personal and parenting strengths. Over and above they have a sense of purpose in setting child-rearing goals and cooperate with one’s child-rearing partners.

Secondly good parents “Understand”: They observe and understand children and their development and recognize how children influence and respond to what happens around them.

“Guide”: They guide and model appropriate desired behavior. Besides they establish and maintain reasonable limits. Good parents also provide children with developmentally appropriate opportunities to learn responsibility and convey fundamental values underlying basic human decency. Moreover they teach problem-solving skills. Good parents regularly monitor children's activities and facilitate their contact with peers and adults.

Good parents, “Nurture” and express affection and compassion. They foster children's self-respect and hope. Besides they listen and attend to children's feelings and ideas and teach kindness. In addition they provide for the nutrition, shelter, clothing, health, and safety needs of one's children and celebrate life with one's children. In addition they Help children feel connected to family history and cultural heritage.

Good parents “Motivate”, teach children about themselves, others, and the world around them. Stimulate curiosity, imagination, and the search for knowledge. Create beneficial learning conditions and help children process and manage information.

Last but not least good parents “Advocate”: They find, use, and create community resources when needed to benefit one's own and other children. Furthermore they stimulate social change to create supportive environments for children and families and build relationships with family, neighborhood, and community groups.

(288 Words)