Saturday, April 16, 2011

“Some People Enjoy Change While Others Do Not”

Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.

In this fast age everyone is awfully busy. No one has any time for his or her amusement and entertainment. No time for hobbies or socializing. In this essay I shall elaborate why and how changes matter in our lives.

Majority of people lead very busy lives. They are successful, professional, articulate, interesting, insightful, often extraordinary individuals. However their lives are highly monotonous. And because of this monotony, they may be experiencing issues related to their addiction, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, etc. Those are really in need of the insight and awareness that good changes can facilitate them overcomes these problems. Most of the professionals and business persons are caught up in severe monotony resulting into addiction, depression, mania, anxiety, phobias, anger, psychosis, personality disorders etc. They are often in need of some changes to overcome this problem. Too often the extent of the suffering is high due to highly monotonous lifestyle.

People must take a break from the daily routine work and have some change. Change may be in form of going to new places, meeting new people, making newer contacts. May be these changes fetch new opportunities for higher business turnover and proceeds. There is an old saying also that “Changes are always for good.” Such changes from every day work give great relaxation to the body and mind thereby enhancing the physical and mental capacity of the individual that increases the work efficiency and effectiveness of an individual.

In nutshell, it is very important for a person to have changes from time to time. Changes means say change of life style to improved ones; taking vacation; relax and enjoy; break bad habits like drinking, smoking; adopt newer ways and modalities of work; swim with the current and succeed.

(292 Words)