Friday, April 3, 2009

“Choose Your Transport”

Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s lives. (i) Automobiles, (ii) Bicycles, (iii) Airplanes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
My preference goes to automobiles. The invention and proliferation of the automobile during the 20th century has made the greatest impact on human modern lives in terms of transportation. Automobiles are not a luxury but rather a necessity. We most comfortably jump in our car and drive many a miles for attending office or business. Traveling this far was rare some 60 years ago. The consequences to our ways of life and to our planet are great; and, indeed, we cannot go back. But looking to the future, researchers are constantly trying to find better ways of transporting humans with more fuel efficient vehicles by altering car mass, shape and engine design.

For going to school or college, attending office or business, shopping or socializing and numerous daily activities we are dependent on automobiles. Automobiles we use in the shape of a car, scooter or motorbike depending upon our need, nature of work and affordability. While the life has become very fast and time is extremely scarce we have to cope up with the work or the business and keep pace with time with the help of our automobile.

Airplane is the fastest, but intended for specific purpose. Say moving to different country, different district or a different city where distances is very long. Airplane can not be used for everyday business. Where as bicycle is the slowest of all modes of transport and it is totally unsuitable for everyday business. However activity of cycling is a good as a physical exercise and may be used for that purpose.

In nutshell now the automobiles are available quite cheap and commoners afford it. This elevates living standard of commoners. I prefer automobiles to airplane and bicycle.
(285 Words)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

“Choose Friends Who Are Different Or Similar”

Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?
I would like to choose friends who are different than me like more knowledgeable and experienced having superior styles of living, to that of mine. In a way, I like the friends who are different than me and those are superior to me. In this essay I will give reasons to support my choice.

If I have friends who have superior living styles to that of mine, who are more knowledgeable and more experienced, I can improve on all those dimensions and have a dynamic personality. Conversely, if I have friends who are less knowledgeable, less experienced and having inferior living styles to that of mine, I deteriorate my personality and learn nothing. Moreover “A Person Is Known By The Company He Or She Keeps”. If I have superior quality of friends, that build my reputation in the social and business circles. A proven fact is that friends occupy positions of extreme importance in our lives. Friends have great influence over many areas of a peers emerging identity. Their choice of music, movies, clothes, boyfriends or girlfriends, classes, jobs, and so on. In some cases, it also covers the personal standards of behavior, school / university / business and work performance, morals and values. This makes it especially important for us to make right friendship choices. It's a human nature to listen to and learn from other people. Friends build a sense of trust, respect, and mutual support.

Summarizing, on a wrong choice of friends, one becomes highly susceptible to negative influences like getting addicted to smoking, drinking, drug-abuse and premature sex etc. Therefore it is very important to choose friends extremely carefully and selectively with whom we can spend quite some time and improve. --- (285 Words)

Monday, March 30, 2009

“Children’s Visit to Public Places after Midnight"

Children below the age of sixteen should not be allowed in public places after midnight unless they are accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them. How far do you agree with this suggestion?
I do agree children must not be allowed to be at public places alone and that too especially after midnight time. Children must be taught to sleep in time and wakeup in time. The very idea of children staying at public places in midnight is unconvincing. However, for any pressing reason if visit of children to a public place in the midnight is inevitable, they must be accompanied by an adult member who is responsible for them.

Although children below sixteen are minor as per the law; nevertheless can’t be ruled out that they are adolescent. Adolescence is a transitional age of development that occurs between childhood and adulthood and this is a very critical period. Adolescent humans go through puberty, the process of sexual maturation. Although in some individuals, puberty may extend a few years beyond the teenage years, and in some individuals, puberty begins in the pre-teen years. Due to the adolescents' experiencing various cognitive and physical changes, it is frequently seen that they start giving more importance to their friends and their peer group, and less to their parents and guardians. Because of these, influences they might indulge in wrongdoings and crimes like premature sex, or rape that are not socially acceptable.

Most importantly, it should also be noted that adolescence is the stage of a psychological breakthrough in a person's life when he or she is quite some confused and can’t differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. This period of life greatly influence an individual's future life thereby playing a major role in one’s career building, character formation, and personality building.

Summarizing, it is advisable that children below sixteen while visiting public places during midnight must be accompanied by a responsible adult member. --- (290 Words)

“Children Making Decisions”

Children over 15 should be allowed to make decisions about their lives without interference of their parents and teachers. Society should accept that children mature at younger age these days and should adjust the law accordingly. Discuss this statement in relation to your own society that you know well.
Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Children must not be allowed to make decisions independently as per the prevailing law. Parents must intervene and help children make important decisions right.

After all the kinds of decisions children may be tempted to make are limited to only two spheres. Firstly to fall in love with some, have sex or marry. Second may be about earning money by doing a job or a business. These decisions call for a mature age and not an underage.

As per the Indian law minimum age for getting employed or married is 21 years and 18 years for boys and girls respectively. This criterion is ratified by the medical science also.

Age of 15 is the age of puberty and drastic biological and hormonal changes take place in boys and girls. This is a very critical period and children are prone to indulgence in premature sex and wrong doings with terribly miserable consequences.

Daily television news channels report numerous cases of sex by minors, crimes like rape, molestation, minor mothers, illegal abortions, killings of infants etc. This all is the outcome of immature decision taking. Furthermore when such cases become Police Cases, the doers resort to committing more crimes by way of committing suicide or homicide or murders.

In conclusion, in light of the above children can’t be allowed to make independent decision without help of parents and elders. This is not only in the interest of an individual rather it is in the interest of the nation by large. ---------(266 Words)