Saturday, December 6, 2014

Essay: Rural versus Urban, Living Standards and Gap.

Essay: - There is a gap in standards of living between countryside and cities. How true is this in your country? What measures should be taken to reduce this gap?
I fully agree that there is a big gap in the standard of living of countryside population and the city population. In this essay I shall elaborate the reasons, for this gap and what best can be done to mitigate the problem.
Since the ages, the main business for the rural dwellers has been farming and agriculture. This includes poultry farming and dairy farming. The female bovine and cows required for dairy farming and milk productions and the male bovine bullocks are used for cultivating the farms and transportation.
As compared to city (Urban Areas) the facilities of education, internet, medical, entertainment like cinema, malls, multiplexes, game parlors, and fashions are absent in countryside villages. Because of this villagers tend to move to city and avail these facilities and amenities. This causes crowding in cities, pollution and global warming. The aftermath of the said migration is that the agricultural, farming, poultry farming and dairy farming businesses are negatively hit.
As a matter of fact, the environment in villages is very neat and clean and absolutely pollution free as there are no giant industries and automobiles. Hence the villagers enjoy a sound health whereas conversely the cities are thickly populated, Polluted and warm. The migration from villages to cities is really a grave problem.
In nutshell, to prevent these problems, I strongly feel that governments must provide adequate facilities of education, medical, entertainments in the countryside villages so that the gap between countryside and city dwellers is minimized and the business and economy of the nation prosper.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Essay Behaviors Right or Wrong Responsibility of Parents or Schools?

Essay: - These days, schools introduce behavior of what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. This responsibility is not only parents’. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I do agree that parents alone are not only responsible for the right / wrong behavioral aspect of the children but the schools have a major contribution towards it. In this essay I shall elaborate my point of view.

Soon after birth and before attending school, the child learns behaviors from parents and the environment. During this time parents guide the kids about right and wrong behaviors. Once the child starts schooling one learns discipline, team-work, manners, punctuality and communication etc.

Children are always playful and they like freedom and to play. When they start attending school there is a sudden change in the environment for them. Suddenly many restrictions they come across like loss of home like freedom,  way of dressing i.e. uniform, way of sitting, time bound sitting and way of talking etc. These changes offer a great resistance and kids are not as comfortable as at home. Because of this children may resort to angry and offensive behaviors and those are to be corrected and taken care by teachers and not by parents. Physical Training, Exercise and Parades are the part of developmental training.

In addition to right behaviors students learn about various subjects like Language, Maths, History, Geography, Science and many more as a part of academia.

In nutshell, I opine that right / wrong behavioral aspect of children are not the responsibility of only parents but it is a joint responsibility of parents and the schools. However schools have to have a greater contribution toward shaping the right behavior of the students and making them good citizens.

(Words 262)