Sunday, June 23, 2013

Computers in Modern Education - Sample Essay for IELTS and TOEFL

Computers are essential feature of modern education. Some believe that certain subjects such as mathematics are better taught using computers. Others however think that there are aspects of education in which computer use is inadequate.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.

I fully agree that computers are one of the most essential features in modern education. Mathematics can surely be better taught by computers because of various functions like formulas, auto sum and many more.

early days calculations were performed manually in which chances of human error are high. Thereafter Logarithmic Tables were introduced. No doubt Log table calculations were relatively faster than manual however chances of human error can’t be ruled out.  After Log Tables, came the slide-rules in the subject of math. After the slide-rules came the electronic calculators.   In slide-rules and calculators the calculations used to be very fast and chances of human error were less. Finally now computers have been introduced in the education. Subject of Mathematics is best taught with the help of computers. However with the help of computers, descriptive subjects like History, Geography, Civics, Social Studies, can also be well taught as it is capable of giving past and history and present developments.

Students come across computers both at home and at school. Governments worldwide have introduced computers and internet connections in classrooms. Most people welcome computers that have improved the ways we work and we play. Technology is advancing at a speed that is far beyond our imagination. Now computers are an essential feature not only in education alone but in our daily lives too.

No doubt use of computers involves initial computer literacy that is not very difficult to pick-up. Also Learning and teaching is a human process involving human touch and communication and in this process, emotions play a vital role in a student’s learning and motivating process and these are absent in a computer. Computer although may be inadequate on emotional aspect but it is the best companion.

In conclusion I fully agree that computers are one of the most essential features in modern education.

(306 Words)