Thursday, December 24, 2015

English Learning Imaginatively

English Learning Imaginatively
कल्पनाशीलता से अँग्रेज़ी सीखिए
कल्पना ज्ञान से ज्यादा शक्तिशाली है |
Remember Friends “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.”

कैसे कल्पना करें कि खूब सारी इंग्लीश फटाफट आजाये ! तो कोई भी एक छोटसा सेंटेन्स लीजिए ओर कल्पना कीजिए कि इस वाक़्य को आपको कितने कितने अलग अलग रूप से बोलना पॅड सकता है  :-
1.       मैं काम करता हू = I/we/you/they work. (1A)  वो काम करता / करती है = He or She works.
2.       मैं काम कर सकता हूँ = I/we/you/he/she/they/ can work.
3.       मुझे काम करना चाहिए = I/we/you/he/she/they/ should work.
4.       मुझे काम करना ही चाहिए = I/we/you/he/she/they/ must work.

·         Sentences 2, 3 and 4 can be used with I- we- you- he - she and they. But in sentence No: 1 s will be added with the verb. Because it is for singular third person in present perfect tense.

·         For making the above sentences interrogative, put verb as the first word e.g. Does he / she work? Can I work? Should I work? Must I work? And so on.....

Most importantly, s and es shall be used at the end of verb with third person singular in present tense only. S and es shall never be used with Plural in any tense regardless of Person. Also remember “am” to be used with I only in the present tense and nowhere else.

1.       मैं काम नहीं करता हू = I/we/you/they/ don't work.  (1A) Don’t I work?
(1A) वो काम नहीं करता / करती है = He or She doesn’t work. (1AA) Doesn’t he/ she work?
2.       मैं काम ऩहीँ कर सकता हूँ = I/we/you/he/she/they can’t work.  (2A) Can’t I work? And so on.....
3.       मुझे काम नहीं करना चाहिए = I/we/you/he/she/they should not (shouldn’t) work.            (3A) Shouldn’t I work? And so on.....
4.       मुझे काम करना ही नहीं चाहिए = I/we/you/he/she/they must not (mustn’t) work.            (4A) mustn’t I work? And so on.....

Above sentences can be used with I-we-you-they-he and she also. To make the above sentences negative add no or not before the last word and to make them  interrogative, put verb as the first word as shown above.

Summary: - In this session we have learnt sentences as shown below: -
8x6= 48 Positive + 48 Negative + 48 Interrogative positive + 48 Interrogative Negative = 192 Sentences.

दोस्तों, आज के सेशन मे हमने 192 सेंटेन्स सीख लिए ! वाह क्या बात है ! इसी तरह चेनल देखते रहिए, सीखते रहिए, लाइक कीजिए ओर सबस्क्राइब कीजिए ! देखते देखते इंग्लीश आपके कदम चूमेंगी

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