With the
rise in population, number of automobile vehicles has increased considerably.
In India particularly, the population count is highly alarming at 1.22 Billion.
(122 Crore). The life has become very fast and vehicle is a dire necessity for all
of us. None can imagine a life without a vehicle.
The main
Prime mover in vehicles is the petroleum products like Petrol and Diesel. The motor
vehicles work on the principle of Internal Combustion. Hence the exhaust emits
gases like carbon-di-oxide and carbon mono oxide. Carbon Mono Oxide is a
poisonous gas that is injurious to human and animal health. Excessive vehicles
will discharge excessive polluting gases in the air thereby causing
environmental pollution. At the same time the enormously hot engines of
automobiles emit heat in the air thereby adding up in Global Warming.
On the other
hand, Oil prices keep on increasing day and on. Inflation is sky rocketing.
Affordability becomes constraint with many automobiles owners. Hence they mix comparatively
cheaper products like Kerosene with the petrol and run the automobiles either for
winning bread or for business purpose. This gives out tremendous amount of very
harmful smoke in the air. Also many two-wheeler owners, who have petro-oil
engines, put excessive oil or other pollutants thereby spoiling the environment
by way of severe pollution.
In order to
control pollution we can adopt the following measures: -
1. Minimise the use of vehicles.
2. Switch off the engines while facing a
3. Use only recommended fuel.
4. Use only recommended lubricants in
correct volumes.
5. Check vehicle for PUC (Pollution
under Control) at designated gas stations.
6. Ensure regular periodic maintenance
of vehicles.
7. Ensure recommended tyre pressure.
8. Vehicle pooling for common destination.
In recent
past some companies have manufactured battery operated two wheelers. This
operates for limited distances with limited load. If population with such needs
use this type of vehicle shall be a great contribution toward reducing
pollution and global warming.
Pollution Free Vehicle is the need of the hour in this environmental crisis.