Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Sometimes, you hear people debate whether business success is attributable more to business techniques or chance taking and risk taking. The answer, of course, is both, but the point where the two intersect is risk management. A huge percentage of business success or failure can be laid at the doorstep of risk management.
Simply chance taking is a fluke and success can’t be achieved by fluke. Secondly word that comes is “RISK”. I do agree “No Risk No Gain” but the risk has to be a calculated risk and not at random. Randomization in risk taking may lead the businessman to bankruptcy and one may turn out to be popper. This is one reason business is not so easy. It is the unusual blending of traits that allows someone to be prudent with risk.
The same is often true with respect to career and company success. A successful individual may take-up 10 tasks over the period of a year but focuses efforts on a single initiative when it promises high yields. A company may launch 10 products and quickly pull back 9, making significant money on the one that finds ready acceptance in the marketplace.
Even successful artists and inventors, researchers as Dean Keith Simonton found, tend to churn out creative efforts, deriving their fame from the small minority of works that attract the attention of an appreciative world is an example of an excellent planning.
In conclusion success is the end result or the yield of careful planning, time and risk management, and powerful execution. I may mention a notable quote that says “If You Fail To Plan You Are Planning To Fail”. Simply chance taking may result into failures and may be extremely injurious to your wealth.
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