Wednesday, April 1, 2009

“Choose Friends Who Are Different Or Similar”

Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?
I would like to choose friends who are different than me like more knowledgeable and experienced having superior styles of living, to that of mine. In a way, I like the friends who are different than me and those are superior to me. In this essay I will give reasons to support my choice.

If I have friends who have superior living styles to that of mine, who are more knowledgeable and more experienced, I can improve on all those dimensions and have a dynamic personality. Conversely, if I have friends who are less knowledgeable, less experienced and having inferior living styles to that of mine, I deteriorate my personality and learn nothing. Moreover “A Person Is Known By The Company He Or She Keeps”. If I have superior quality of friends, that build my reputation in the social and business circles. A proven fact is that friends occupy positions of extreme importance in our lives. Friends have great influence over many areas of a peers emerging identity. Their choice of music, movies, clothes, boyfriends or girlfriends, classes, jobs, and so on. In some cases, it also covers the personal standards of behavior, school / university / business and work performance, morals and values. This makes it especially important for us to make right friendship choices. It's a human nature to listen to and learn from other people. Friends build a sense of trust, respect, and mutual support.

Summarizing, on a wrong choice of friends, one becomes highly susceptible to negative influences like getting addicted to smoking, drinking, drug-abuse and premature sex etc. Therefore it is very important to choose friends extremely carefully and selectively with whom we can spend quite some time and improve. --- (285 Words)

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