Sunday, April 19, 2009

“Creative Artists & Freedom to Express”

Creative Artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas in words, pictures, music or films in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restriction on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

I do not fully agree to the view. Artists must be given freedom to perform and develop their art to a highest level. But in the process, their art work should not become vulgar & obscene and the respective governments must ensure and exercise governmental control on such production. Otherwise this can be very detrimental for the mental and physical health of the viewers, very specially students and children who are the national assets.

Educative films on current affairs, world economy, business, education, health, space related, wild life protection, and technological-development are most useful for the entire society whereas Crime movies, Horror movies and Blue films are most detrimental to the society by large. Such production must be minutely censored under governmental supervision and control.

All horror movies are far away from realism and viewing such movies cause deterioration of mental health and throw viewers sick needing long psychiatric treatment and still many do not regain normalcy. Furthermore many product advertisements of Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco products and Alcohol etc wrongly motivate youngsters to consume them and soon they fall into the trap and become addicts and spoil their lives.

Many advertisements show the models burning themselves into flames and jumping from tall buildings and yet safely land on ground. Cases have happened the youngsters tried to imitate those advertisements and killed themselves.

In nutshell while artists must be given full liberty to exhibit their art-work to public by large, strict Governmental Supervision & Control must also be exercised in order to ensure that nothing is exposed to public that could be injurious to their mental & physical health.

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