Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nitrogen Concentration in Groundwater

IELTS Writing Task 2  
“Nitrogen Concentration in Groundwater”
The diagram shows nitrogen sources and concentration levels in the ground water of a coastal city.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting main features.
Write at least 150 Words
The diagram shows sources of nitrogen and its concentration levels in the groundwater of a coastal city.  Different levels of nitrogen concentration have been indicated with the help of colour density here in the diagram.  The diagram also shows the saltwater interface.
The water from different sources enters the land and creates a land fill. Those sources are waste disposal, Leaks from storage tanks and waste water ponds of industries, Household liquid waste, Fertilizers and Coastal vegetation. With the coastal vegetation, the process of nitrogen fixation has also been shown in the diagram.  In the rainwater, nitrogen oxidation takes place due to lightning. All this water entering the soil creates a water table in the earth as indicated in the diagram (top). Ammonia degassing and Nitrate uptake by soil particles are also indicated. The diagram also indicates with the help of arrows, the direction of flow of groundwater that reaches groundwater discharge zone and finally migrates into the ocean.

(159 Words)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

FAMINE (essay for School Level)


A famine may be defined the act of “The God”, a Force majeure whereby an acute shortage of food for the people and animal life occurs. Famine occurs either due to acute shortage of rains or massive rain falls. Shortage of the rain causes non-growth of crops and the latter may cause floods and the harvest is washed out. One more cause of famine is ravage of locusts on the crops. Locusts eat away the entire crops and hence the famine.

Water is most essential for the agriculture and farming. In the absence of required rains, the soil remains dry and hot hence no crop can grow thereby causing famine.

The greatest famines that occurred in India took place in Bengal in the year 1770 and 1947 and Odisha in the year 1869. During these famines numerous human lives were lost due to starvation. Due to famine and hunger, the men and women lose humanity and turn brutal and merciless

Unlike olden days, now a days the relief has been possible due proliferation of automobiles. This makes the transport easy. Also many charitable institutions, NGOs and government come forward for the help and rescue.  The rescue operations and food supply operations are carried out with the help of Army, Police by using helicopters.

In summary, during the famine not only human lives are lost but the animal life like cows, bullocks, horses, donkeys, camels and other wild life animals too suffer starvation and die.  A famine is a “force-majeure” and the act of the God.

(256 Words)

FLOODS (Essay for school level)

 Excessive supplies of water from natural source say rains result into flood. This excess volume of water goes into rivers and hence river bed swells and water overflows all over. This overflow of water is called “Flood”.

Water thus enters farms, villages, towns and cities. This situation is called “Flood Situation.” When water floods over the farms the crops are badly damaged or ruined.  When crops are ruined the food supply is affected and the situation of a “Famine” occurs.

When water gushes into villages, towns and cities with a violent current, it results into collapse of houses, buildings and many other establishments. Numerous human and animal lives may be lost by floods.   

Floods give rise to tremendous pollution. The dead animals and human bodies get decomposed and spread foul smell everywhere. This atmosphere pollution results into spread of several diseases like typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis and hepatitis A and Vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, and West Nile Fever. After the floods the government has a herculean task of cleaning affected areas and rehabilitation of the occupants of such areas.

Floods normally have the worst effect on the villages and localities near the river banks and coastal areas. Hence government with the help of Army, Police and Air service try and evacuate population from such areas and shift people to safe areas.

In nutshell flood is a natural calamity that is disastrous. We can’t prevent the floods but we can surely minimize them by our efforts towards (1) Saving Jungles (2) Avoiding making catchment areas in colonies (3) Proper waste disposal and (4) Growing more and more trees and creating green belts.   

(279 Words)